Hey there, you!!! Konnichiwa!!!
Great to see you again!!
Say, I was wondering;Has anyone ever seen an anime called Gosick? It's about this kid named Kazuya Kujo who leaves Japan to go to this made-up country in Europe-- I can't remember the name-- to go to school. It's set in the springtime in 1924, and somehow he finds himself in the middle of solving some mystery.
Honestly, it was interesting at some points, but I couldn't quite make heads or tales of it. Maybe you could check it out and see for yourself. There's a place where you could email me and tell me what you thought after a few episodes. I post what you thought in the next blog.
Okay!! Let's get down to brass tacks.
Read this:
Konnichiwa! Watashi wa Sato desu. Kare wa Yamaguchi San desu.
Watashi no pen wa ookii, demo Yamaguchi san no pen wa chiisai desu.
Did you understand that? GOOD!!! (If you didn't, that's fine! Go back over the other entries before doing this one. I've said this already, repetition is the ONLY way to learn!)
Before we move on, which word didn't you recognize?
Kare, right?
We'll get to that later.
Now, do you have something to cover part of your screen with? If not, get something, I'll wait...... [JEOPARDY THEME]........*yawn* (I wish they wouldn't take so--) Oh! you're back!! Okay, good.
Okay, Now, today, we're gonna ask questions. Cover your screen.
And don't forget to say these things aloud!! you've gotta get used to speaking it!!
Here's a new word;
"Doko" means "Where".
And here's another one;
"Ka" is "the question mark", if you will (though you would still write a question mark, of course).
Try to figure this one out;
Watashi no pen wa doko desu ka?
Did you get it? Yoshi! (Alright!)
Look at the word order; "my pen where is?"
Now try to say, "Where is Mr. Sato?" (TRY TO GET IT, THEN MOVE THE PAPER.)
Sato San wa doko desu ka?
Say, "Where is Mr. Yamaguchi? (TRY FIRST)
Yamaguchi San wa doko desu ka?
Here's how to say "Hotel"
Now Say, "Where's the hotel?" (TRY FIRST!)
Hoteru wa doko desu ka?
A little quickie note here; there is no "the" in the Japanese language. Just thought you should know that.
Say, "The hotel is big". (REMEMBER, THERE IS NO "THE").
Hoteru wa ookii desu.
Now say again, "Where is the hotel?"
Hoteru wa doko desu ka?
It makes any sentence a question, right?
Say again, "The hotel is big".
Hoteru wa ookii desu.
Now, try to say, "Is the hotel big?" (TAKE YOUR TIME.)
Hoteru wa ookii desu ka?
Did you get it? YOSHI!!!
Now say, "is the hotel small?"
Hoteru wa chiisai desu ka?
Say, "Is Mr. Sato's pen big?"
Sato San no pen wa ookii desu ka?
Say, "Yes, Mr, Sato's pen is big."
Hai, Sato San no pen wa ookii desu.
Here's how to say, "go";
And here's another one;
"ni"means, "in," or "to".
Hoteru ni ikimasu. What did I just say? (TRY FIRST, THEN LOOK!! I MEAN IT!!!)
Go to the hotel.
Watashi wa hoteru ni ikimasu. What did I just say?
I go to the hotel.
Say, "Mr. Yamaguchi goes to the hotel." (TAKE YOUR TIME.)
Yamaguchi San wa hoteru ni ikimasu.
Here's a new one;
"Tomodachi" means "friend".
Try to say, "My friend goes to the hotel." (TRY FIRST.)
Watashi no tomodachi wa hoteru ni ikimasu.
By the way, I hope you guys are actually saying this aloud...... if not, you should be.
Remember in the beginning when I said we'd get back to "Kare"?
Okay, "kare" (pronounced kah-rey) means "he".
Kare wa ookii desu.
Say, "Is he big?"
Kare wa ookii desu ka?
Say, "Where's my friend?"
Watashi no tomodachi wa doko desu ka?
Okay, one more;
"Eki" means "Station" or, "train station".
Try to say, "Where's the train station?"
Eki wa doko desu ka?
Say, "My train station"
Watashi no eki
Sato San no Eki
Say, Mr, Yamaguchi's train station"
Yamaguchi San no eki
Try to say, "My friend's train station" (TAKE YOUR TIME.)
Watashi no tomodachi no eki
Do you remember how to say "but"? (THINK FIRST)
Now try to say, "I go to the hotel, but my friend goes to the train station". (THINK FIRST, TAKE YOUR TIME!!!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!)
Watashi wa hoteru ni ikimasu demo, watashi no tomodachi wa eki ni ikimasu.
Go over these a few more times before moving on to the next post. MAKE SURE the words have become second nature to you so you can answer quickly. Then find some people you can talk to. You can always go here and go to the chatroom or find some people from that little box full of people on the left side of the page (you'll see what I'm talking about).
Okay, that's it for today!! I know that one wa a little long but coming up, I've got a lot of videos that we're gonna use in the near future. I'm gonna break them down to a science for you so when you hear them again (and you WILL) you'll understand them without a hitch.
Until then...... JA MATA, NE?
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